a atto (10-18)
A ampere
AAR automatic alternate routing
AARTS automatic audio remote test set
ABCA American, British, Canadian, Australian [armies]
ac alternating current
ACA automatic circuit assurance
ACC automatic callback calling
ACD automatic call distributor
ac-dc alternating current - direct current
ACK acknowledge character
ACTS Advanced Communications Technology Satellite
ACU automatic calling unit
A-D analog-to-digital
ADC analog-to-digital converter 
analog-to-digital conversion
ADCCP Advanced Data Communication Control Procedures
ADH automatic data handling
ADP automatic data processing
ADPCM adaptive differential pulse-code modulation
ADPE automatic data processing equipment
ADPSSO automatic data processing system security officer
ADU automatic dialing unit
ADX automatic data exchange
AECS Aeronautical Emergency Communications System [Plan]
AF audio frequency
AFC area frequency coordinator
automatic frequency control
AFNOR Association Français Normal
AFRS Armed Forces Radio Service
AGC automatic gain control
AGE aerospace ground equipment
AI artificial intelligence
AIG address indicator group
address indicating group
AIM amplitude intensity modulation
AIN advanced intelligent network
AIOD automatic identified outward dialing
AIS automated information system
ASIC application-specific integrated circuits
AJ anti-jamming
ALC automatic level control
automatic load control
ALE automatic link establishment
ALU arithmetic and logic unit
A/m amperes per meter
AM amplitude modulation
AMA automatic message accounting
AMC administrative management complex
AME amplitude modulation equivalent
automatic message exchange
AMI alternate mark inversion [signal]
AM/PM/VSB amplitude modulation/phase modulation/vestigial sideband
AMPS automatic message processing system
AMPSSO automated message processing system security officer
AMSC American Mobile Satellite Corporation
AMTS automated maritime telecommunications system
ANI automatic number identification
ANL automatic noise limiter
ANMCC Alternate National Military Command Center
ANS American National Standard
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AP anomalous propagation
APC adaptive predictive coding
APD, apd, a.p.d. avalanche photodiode
API application program interface
APL average picture level
APK amplitude phase-shift keying
ARP address resolution protocol
ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency [now DARPA]
ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
ARQ automatic repeat-request
ARS automatic route selection
ARSR air route surveillance radar
ARU audio response unit
ASC AUTODIN Switching Center
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASN.1 abstract syntax notation one
ASP Aggregated Switch Procurement
adjunct service point
ASR automatic send and receive
airport surveillance radar
AT access tandem
ATACS Army Tactical Communications System
ATB all trunks busy
ATCRBS air traffic control radar beacon system
ATDM asynchronous time-division multiplexing
ATE automatic test equipment
ATM asynchronous transfer mode
ATV advanced television
au astronomical unit
AUI attachment unit interface
AUTODIN Automatic Digital Network
AUTOSEVOCOM Automatic Secure Voice Communications Network
AUTOVON Automatic Voice Network
AVD alternate voice/data
AWG American wire gauge
AWGN additive white Gaussian noise
AZ azimuth
b bit
B bel
balun balanced to unbalanced
basecom base communications
BASIC beginners' all-purpose symbolic instruction code
BCC block check character
BCD binary-coded decimal
binary-coded decimal notation
BCI bit-count integrity
Bd baud
B8ZS bipolar with eight-zero substitution
bell BEL character
BER bit error ratio
BERT bit error ratio tester
BETRS basic exchange telecommunications radio service
BEX broadband exchange
BIH International Time Bureau
B-ISDN broadband ISDN
bi-sync binary synchronous [communication]
bit binary digit 
BIT built-in test
BITE built-in test equipment
BIU bus interface unit
BNF Backus Naur form
BOC Bell Operating Company
BPSK binary phase-shift keying
bpi bits per inch
bytes per inch
b/s bits per second
b/in bits per inch
BPSK binary phase-shift keying
BR bit rate
BRI basic rate interface
BSA basic serving arrangement
BSE basic service element
BSI British Standards Institution
B6ZS bipolar with six-zero substitution
B3ZS bipolar with three-zero substitution
BTN billing telephone number
BW bandwidth
c centi (10-2)
CACS centralized alarm control system
CAM computer-aided manufacturing
CAMA centralized automatic message accounting
CAN cancel character
CAP competitive access provider
customer administration panel
CARS cable television relay service [station] 
CAS centralized attendant services
CASE computer-aided software engineering
computer aided system engineering
computer-assisted software engineering
CATV cable TV
cable television
community antenna television
CBX computer branch exchange
C2 command and control
C3 command, control and communications
C3CM C3countermeasures
C3I command, control, communications and intelligence
CCA carrier-controlled approach
CCD charge-coupled device
CCH connections per circuit hour
CCIF International Telephone Consultative Committee [a predecessor to the CCITT]
CCIR International Radio Consultative Committee
CCIS common-channel interoffice signaling
CCIT International Telegraph Consultative Committee [a predecessor to the CCITT]
CCITT International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee {now ITU-T}
CCL continuous communications link
CCS hundred call-seconds
CCSA common control switching arrangement
CCTV closed-circuit television
CCW cable cutoff wavelength
cd candela
CD collision detection, compact disk
CDF combined distribution frame
cumulative distribution function
CDMA code-division multiple access
CDPSK coherent differential phase-shift keying
CDR call detail recording
CD ROM compact disk read-only memory
CDT control data terminal
CDU central display unit
C-E communications-electronics
CEI comparably efficient interconnection
CELP code-excited linear prediction
CEP circular error probable
CFE contractor-furnished equipment
cgs centimeter-gram-second
ChR channel reliability
CIAS circuit inventory and analysis system
CIC content indicator code
CIF common intermediate format
CIFAX ciphered facsimile
CINC commander-in-chief
ciphony ciphered telephony
CiR circuit reliability
C/kT carrier-to-receiver noise density
CLASS custom local area signaling service
cm centimeter
CMI coded mark inversion
CMIP Common Management Information Protocol
CMIS common management information service
CMOS complementary metal oxide substrate
CMRR common-mode rejection ratio
CNR carrier-to-noise ratio
combat-net radio
CNS complementary network service
C.O. central office
COAM customer owned and maintained equipment
coax coaxial cable
COBOL common business oriented language
codec coder-decoder
COG centralized ordering group
COMINT communications intelligence
COMJAM communications jamming
compandor compressor-expander
COMPUSEC computer security
COMSAT Communications Satellite Corporation
COMSEC communications security
CONEX connectivity exchange
CONUS Continental United States
COP Committee of Principals
COR Council of Representatives
COT customer office terminal
CPAS cellular priority access services
CPE customer premises equipment
cpi characters per inch
cpm counts per minute
cps characters per second
cycles per second [deprecated]
CPU central processing unit
communications processor unit
CR channel reliability
circuit reliability
CRC cyclic redundancy check
CRITICOM Critical Intelligence Communications
CROM control read-only memory
CRT cathode ray tube
c/s cycles per second [deprecated]
CSA Canadian Standards Association
CSC circuit-switching center
common signaling channel
CSMA carrier sense multiple access
CSMA/CA carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance
CSMA/CD carrier sense multiple access with collision detection
CSU channel service unit
circuit switching unit
customer service unit
CTS clear to send
CTX Centrex ® [service]
clear to transmit
CVD chemical vapor deposition
CVSD continuously variable slope delta [modulation]
cw carrier wave
composite wave
continuous wave
CX composite signaling
cxr carrier
D* specific detectivity
d deci (101)
D() dispersion coefficient
da deka (10)
D-A digital-to-analog
digital-to-analog converter
D/L downlink
DACS digital access and cross-connect system
DAMA demand assignment multiple access
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency [formerly ARPA]
dB decibel
dBa decibels adjusted
dBa(F1A) noise power measured by a set with F1A-line weighting
dBa(HA1) noise power measured by a set with HA1-receiver weighting
dBa0 noise power measured at zero transmission level point
dBc dB relative to carrier power
dBm dB referred to 1 milliwatt
dBm(psoph) noise power in dBm measured by a set with psophometric weighting
DBMS database management system
dBmV dB referred to 1 millivolt across 75 ohms
dBm0 noise power in dBm referred to or measured at 0TLP
dBm0p noise power in dBm0 measured by a psophometric or noise measuring set having psophometric weighting
dBr power difference in dB between any point and a reference point
dBrn dB above reference noise
dBrnC noise power in dBrn measured by a set with C-message weighting
dBrnC0 noise power in dBrnC referred to or measured at 0TLP
dBrn(f1-f2) flat noise power in dBrn
dBrn(144-line) noise power in dBrn measured by a set with 144-line weighting
dBv dB relative to 1 V (volt) peak-to-peak
dBW dB referred to 1 W (watt)
dBx dB above reference coupling
dc direct current
DCA Defense Communications Agency (now DISA)
DCE data circuit-terminating equipment
DCL direct communications link
DCPSK differentially coherent phase-shift keying
DCS Defense Communications System
DCTN Defense Commercial Telecommunications Network
DCWV direct-current working volts
DDD direct distance dialing
DDN Defense Data Network
DDS digital data service
DEL delete character
demarc demarcation point
demux demultiplex
dequeue double-ended queue
DES Data Encryption Standard
detem detector/emitter
DFSK double-frequency shift keying
DIA Defense Intelligence Agency
DID direct inward dialing
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung
DIP dual in-line package
DISA Defense Information Systems Agency {formerly DCA}
DISC disconnect command
DISN Defense Information System Network
DISNET Defense Integrated Secure Network
DLA Defense Logistic Agency
DLC digital loop carrier
DLE data link escape character
DM delta modulation
DMA Defense Mapping Agency
direct memory access
DME distance measuring equipment
DMS Defense Message System
DNA Defense Nuclear Agency
DNIC data network identification code
DNPA data numbering plan area
DNS Domain Name System
DO design objective
DoC Department of Commerce
DOD Department of Defense
direct outward dialing
DODD Department of Defense Directive
DODISS Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards
DOD-STD Department of Defense Standard
DOS Department of State
DPCM differential pulse-code modulation
DPSK differential phase-shift keying
DQDB distributed-queue dual-bus [network]
DRAM dynamic random access memory
DRSI destination station routing indicator
DS digital signal
direct support
DS0 digital signal 0
DS1 digital signal 1
DS1C digital signal 1C
DS2 digital signal 2
DS3 digital signal 3
DS4 digital signal 4
DSA dial service assistance
DSB double-sideband [transmission]
Defense Science Board
DSB-RC double-sideband reduced carrier transmission
DSB-SC double-sideband suppressed-carrier transmission
DSC digital selective calling
DSCS Defense Satellite Communications System
DSE data switching exchange
DSI digital speech interpolation
DSL digital subscriber line
DSN Defense Switched Network
DSR data signaling rate
DSS direct station selection
DSSCS Defense Special Service Communications System
DSTE data subscriber terminal equipment
DSU data service unit
DTE data terminal equipment
DTMF dual-tone multifrequency [signaling]
DTG date-time group
DTN data transmission network
DTS Diplomatic Telecommunications Service
DTU data transfer unit
data tape unit
digital transmission unit
direct to user
DVL direct voice link
DX signaling direct current signaling
duplex signaling
E exa (1018)
E-MAIL, e-mail electronic mail
EAS extended area service
EBCDIC extended binary coded decimal interchange code
Eb/N0 signal energy per bit per hertz of thermal noise
EBO embedded base organization
EBS Emergency Broadcast System
EBX electronic branch exchange
EC Earth coverage
Earth curvature
ECC electronically controlled coupling
enhance call completion
ECCM electronic counter-countermeasures
ECM electronic countermeasures
EDC error detection and correction
EDI electronic data interchange
EDTV extended-definition television
EHF extremely high frequency
EIA Electronic Industries Association
eirp effective isotropically radiated power
equivalent isotopically radiated power
EIS Emergency Information System
el elevation
ELECTRO-OPTINT electro-optical intelligence
ELF extremely low frequency
ELINT electronics intelligence
electromagnetic intelligence
ELSEC electronics security
ELT emergency locator transmitter
EMC electromagnetic compatibility
EMCON emission control
EMD equilibrium mode distribution
EME electromagnetic environment
emf electromotive force
EMI electromagnetic interference
electromagnetic interference control
EMP electromagnetic pulse
EMR electromagnetic radiation
EMR hazards electromagnetic radiation hazards
e.m.r.p. effective monopole radiated power
equivalent monopole radiated power
EMS electronic message system
EMSEC emanations security
emu electromagnetic unit
EMV electromagnetic vulnerability
EMW electromagnetic warfare
electromagnetic wave
ENQ enquiry character
EO end office
E.O. Executive Order
EOD end of data
EOF end of file
EOL end of line
EOM end of message
EOP end of program
end output
EOS end-of-selection character
EOT end-of-transmission character
end of tape
EOW engineering orderwire
EPROM erasable programmable read-only memory
EPSCS enhanced private switched communications system
ERL echo return loss
ERLINK emergency response link
ERP, e.r.p. effective radiated power
ES end system
expert system
ESC escape character
enhanced satellite capability
ESF extended superframe
ESM electronic warfare support measures
ESP enhanced service provider
ESS electronic switching system
ETB end-of-transmission-block character
ETX end-of-text character
EW electronic warfare
EXCSA Exchange Carriers Standards Association
f femto (10-15)
f frequency
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FAQ file Frequently Asked Questions file
FAX facsimile
FC functional component
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FCS frame check sequence
FDDI fiber distributed data interface
FDDI-2 fiber distributed data interface-2
FDHM full duration at half maximum
FDM frequency-division multiplexing
FDMA frequency-division multiple access
FDX full duplex
FEC forward error correction
FECC Federal Emergency Communications Coordinators
FED-STD Federal Standard
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
FEP front-end processor
FET field effect transistor
FIFO first-in first-out
FIP Federal Information Processing
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards
FIR finite impulse response
FIRMR Federal Information Resources Management Regulations
FISINT foreign instrumentation signals intelligence
FLTSATCOM Fleet Satellite Communications
flops floating-point operations per second
FM frequency modulation
FO fiber optics
FOC final operational capability
full operational capability
FOT frequency of optimum traffic
frequency of optimum transmission
FPIS forward propagation ionospheric scatter
ft/min feet per minute
fps foot-pound-second
FPS frames per second
focus projection and scanning
FRP Federal Response Plan
FSDPSK filtered symmetric differential phase-shift keying
FSK frequency-shift keying
FSS fully separate subsidiary
FSTS Federal Secure Telephone Service {no longer in operation}
FT fiber optic T-carrier
FTAM file transfer, access, and management
FTF Federal Telecommunications Fund
ft/s feet per second
FTS Federal Telecommunications System
FTS2000 Federal Telecommunications System 2000
FTSC Federal Telecommunications Standards Committee
FTP file transfer protocol
FWHM full width at half maximum
FX fixed service 
foreign exchange service
FYDP Five Year Defense Plan
g profile parameter
G giga (109)
GBH group busy hour
GCT Greenwich Civil Time
GDF group distribution frame
GETS Government Emergency Telecommunications Service
GFE Government-furnished equipment
GGCL government-to-government communications link
GHz gigahertz
GII Global Information Infrastructure
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GOS grade of service
GOSIP Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile
GSA General Services Administration
GSTN general switched telephone network
G/T antenna gain-to-noise-temperature
GTP Government Telecommunications Program
GTS Government Telecommunications System
GUI graphical user interface
h hecto (102)
Planck's constant
HCS hard clad silica [fiber]
HDLC high-level data link control
HDTV high-definition television
HDX half-duplex [operation] 
HE11mode the fundamental hybrid mode [of an optical fiber]
HEMP high-altitude electromagnetic pulse
HERF hazards of electromagnetic radiation to fuel
HERO hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance
HERP hazards of electromagnetic radiation to personnel
HF high frequency
HFDF high-frequency distribution frame
HLL high-level language
HPC high probability of completion
HV high voltage
Hz hertz
IA International Alphabet [CCITT]
I&C installation and checkout
IC integrated circuit
ICI incoming call identification
ICNI Integrated Communications, Navigation, and Identification
ICW interrupted continuous wave
IDDD International Direct Distance Dialing
IDF intermediate distribution frame
IDN integrated digital network
IDTV improved-definition television
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IES Industry Executive Subcommittee
IF intermediate frequency
I/F interface
IFF identification, friend or foe
IFRB International Frequency Registration Board (now Radio Regulations Board )
IFS ionospheric forward scatter
IIR infinite impulse response
IITF Information Infrastructure Task Force
ILD injection laser diode
ILS instrument landing system
IM intensity modulation 
IMA individual mobilization augmentee
I&M installation and maintenance
IMD intermodulation distortion
IMP interface message processor
IN intelligent network
IN/1, IN/1+, IN/2 intelligent network concepts
INFOSEC information systems security
INS inertial navigation system
INTELSAT International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium
INWATS Inward Wide-Area Telephone Service
I/O input/output [device]
IOC integrated optical circuit
initial operational capability
input-output controller
IP Internet protocol
intelligent peripheral
IPA intermediate power amplifier
IPC information processing center
IPM impulses per minute
interference prediction model
internal polarization modulation
interruptions per minute
in/s inches per second
ips interruptions per second
IPX Internet Packet Exchange
IQF intrinsic quality factor
IR infrared
IRAC Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee
IRC international record carrier
Interagency Radio Committee
ISB independent-sideband [transmission]
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISM industrial, scientific, and medical (applications)
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITA International Telegraph Alphabet
ITA-5 International Telegraph Alphabet Number 5
ITC International Teletraffic Congress
ITS Institute for Telecommunication Sciences
ITSO International Telecommunications Satellite Organization
ITU International Telecommunication Union
IVDT integrated voice data terminal
IXC interexchange carrier
JANAP Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Publication(s)
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory
JSC Joint Steering Committee [now JTSSG]
Joint Spectrum Center 
JTC3A Joint Tactical Command, Control and Communications Agency
JTIDS Joint Tactical Information Distribution System
JTRB Joint Telecommunications Resources Board
JTSSG Joint Telecommunications Standards Steering Group [formerly JSC]
JWID Joint Warrior Interoperability Demonstration
k kilo (103)
Boltzmann's constant 
K coefficient of absorption
KDC key distribution center
KDR keyboard data recorder
KDT keyboard display terminal
kg kilogram
kg•m•s kilogram-meter-second
kHz kilohertz
km kilometer
k , k kilohm
KSR keyboard send/receive device
kT noise power density 
KTS key telephone system
KTU key telephone unit
CO cutoff wavelength
LAN local area network
LANTFLT Atlantic Fleet
LAP-B Data Link Layer protocol [CCITT Recommendation X.25 (1989)]
LAP-D link access procedure D
laser light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
LASINT laser intelligence
LATA local access and transport area
LBO line buildout
LC limited capability
LCD liquid crystal display
LD long distance
LDM limited distance modem
LEC local exchange carrier
LED light-emitting diode
LF low frequency
LFB look-ahead-for-busy [information]
LIFO last-in first-out
LLC logical link control [sublayer]
l/m lines per minute
LMF language media format
LMR land mobile radio
LNA launch numerical aperture
LOF lowest operating frequency
loran long-range aid to navigation system
long-range radio navigation
long-range radio aid to navigation system
LOS line of sight
loss of signal
LP linearly polarized [mode]
linear programming
linking protection
log-periodic [antenna]
log-periodic [array]
LPA linear power amplifier
LPC linear predictive coding
LPD low probability of detection
LPI low probability of interception
lpi lines per inch
lpm lines per minute
LP01 the fundamental mode (of an optical fiber)
LQA link quality analysis
LRC longitudinal redundancy check
LSB lower sideband, least significant bit
LSI large scale integrated [circuit]
large scale integration
line status indication
LTC line traffic coordinator
LUF lowest usable high frequency
LULT line-unit-line termination
LUNT line-unit-network termination
LV low voltage
m meter
milli (10-3)
M mega (106)
MAC medium access control [sublayer]
MACOM major command
MAN metropolitan area network
MAP manufacturers' automation protocol
maser microwave amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation
M[] material dispersion coefficient
MAU medium access unit
MCC maintenance control circuit
MCEB Military Communications-Electronics Board
MCM multicarrier modulation
MCS Master Control System
MCW modulated continuous wave
MCXO microcomputer compensated crystal oscillator
MDF main distribution frame
MDT mean downtime
MEECN Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network
MERCAST merchant-ship broadcast system
MF medium frequency
multifrequency [signaling]
MFD mode field diameter
MFJ Modification of Final Judgment
MFSK multiple frequency-shift keying
MHF medium high frequency
MHS message handling service
message handling system
MHz megahertz
mi mile
MIC medium interface connector
microwave integrated circuit
minimum ignition current
monolithic integrated circuit
mutual interface chart
MILNET military network
MIL-STD Military Standard
min minute
MIP medium interface point
MIPS, mips million instructions per second
MIS management information system
MKS meter-kilogram-second
MLPP multilevel precedence and preemption
MMW millimeter wave
modem modulator-demodulator
modified AMI code modified alternate mark inversion code
mol mole
ms millisecond (10-3second)
MSB most significant bit
MSK minimum-shift keying
MTBF mean time between failures
MTBM mean time between maintenance
MTBO mean time between outages
MTBPM mean time between preventive maintenance
MTF modulation transfer function
MTSO mobile telephone switching office
MTSR mean time to service restoral
MTTR mean time to repair
micro (10-6)
s microsecond
MUF maximum usable frequency
muldem multiplexer/demultiplexer
MUX multiplex
MUXing multiplexing
mw microwave
MWI message waiting indicator
MWV maximum working voltage
n nano (10-9)
refractive index
N0 sea level refractivity
spectral noise density
NA numerical aperture
NACSEM National Communications Security Emanation Memorandum
NACSIM National Communications Security Information Memorandum
NAK negative-acknowledge character
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NATA North American Telecommunications Association
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NAVSTAR-GPS Navigational Satellite Timing and Ranging--Global Positioning System
NBFM narrowband frequency modulation
NBH network busy hour
NBRVF narrowband radio voice frequency
NBS National Bureau of Standards [now NIST]
NBSV narrowband secure voice
NCA National Command Authorities
NCC National Coordinating Center for Telecommunications
NCS National Communications System 
net control station
NCSC National Communications Security Committee
NDCS network data control system
NDER National Defense Executive Reserve
NEACP National Emergency Airborne Command Post
NEC National Electric Code ®
NEP noise equivalent power
NES noise equivalent signal
NF noise figure
NFS Network File System
NIC network interface card
NICS NATO Integrated Communications System
NID network interface device
network inward dialing
network information database
NII National Information Infrastructure
NIOD network inward/outward dialing
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology [formerly NBS]
NIU network interface unit
NLP National Level Program
nm nanometer
NMCS National Military Command System
nmi nautical mile
NOD network outward dialing
Np neper
NPA numbering plan area
NPR noise power ratio
NRI net radio interface
NRM network resource manager
NRRC Nuclear Risk Reduction Center
NRZ non-return-to-zero
NRZI non-return-to-zero inverted
NRZ-M non-return-to-zero mark
NRZ-S non-return-to-zero space
NRZ1 non-return-to-zero, change on ones
NRZ-1 non-return-to-zero mark
ns nanosecond
NSA National Security Agency
NSC National Security Council
NS/EP telecommunications National Security or Emergency Preparedness telecommunications
NSTAC National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee
NTCN National Telecommunications Coordinating Network
NTDS Naval Tactical Data System
NTMS National Telecommunications Management Structure
NT1 Network termination 1
NT2 Network termination 2
NTI network terminating interface
NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Administration
NTN network terminal number
NTSC National Television Standards Committee
National Television Standards Committee [standard]
NUL null character
NVIS near-vertical-incidence skywave
O&M operations and maintenance
OC operations center
OCC other common carrier
OCR optical character reader
optical character recognition
OCU orderwire control unit
OCVCXO oven controlled-voltage controlled crystal oscillator
OCXO oven controlled crystal oscillator
OD optical density
outside diameter
OFC optical fiber, conductive
OFCP optical fiber, conductive, plenum
OFCR optical fiber, conductive, riser
OFN optical fiber, nonconductive
OFNP optical fiber, nonconductive, plenum
OFNR optical fiber, nonconductive, riser
OMB Office of Management and Budget
ONA open network architecture
opm operations per minute
OPMODEL operations model
OPSEC operations security
OPX off-premises extension
OR off-route service
off-route aeronautical mobile service
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OSI open switching interval
Open Systems Interconnection
OSI-RM Open Systems Interconnection--Reference Model
OSRI originating stations routing indicator
OSSN originating stations serial number
OTAM over-the-air management of automated HF network nodes
OTAR over-the-air rekeying
OTDR optical time domain reflectometer
optical time domain reflectometry
OW orderwire [circuit]
p pico (10-12)
P peta (1015)
PABX private automatic branch exchange
PAD packet assembler/disassembler
PAL phase alternation by line
PAL-M phase alternation by line--modified
PAM pulse-amplitude modulation
PAMA pulse-address multiple access
p/a r peak-to-average ratio
PAR performance analysis and review
PARAMP parametric amplifier
par meter peak-to-average ratio meter
PAX private automatic exchange
PBER pseudo-bit-error-ratio
PBX private branch exchange
PC carrier power (of a radio transmitter)
personal computer
PCB power circuit breaker
printed circuit board
PCM pulse-code modulation
plug compatible module
process control module
PCS Personal Communications Services
personal communications system
plastic-clad silica [fiber]
PCSR parallel channels signaling rate
PD photodetector
PDM pulse delta modulation
pulse-duration modulation
PDN public data network
PDS protected distribution system
power distribution system
program data source
PDT programmable data terminal
PDU protocol data unit
PE phase-encoded [recording] 
PEP peak envelope power (of a radio transmitter)
pF picofarad
PF power factor
PFM pulse-frequency modulation
PI protection interval
PIC plastic insulated cable
ping packet Internet groper
PIV peak inverse voltage
PLA programmable logic array
PLL phase-locked loop
PLN private line network
PL/I programming language 1
PLR pulse link repeater
PLS physical signaling sublayer
pm phase modulation
PM mean power
polarization-maintaining [optical fiber]
preventive maintenance 
pulse modulation
PMB pilot-make-busy [circuit]
PMO program management office
POI point of interface
POP point of presence
POSIX portable operating system interface for computer environments
POTS plain old telephone service
PP polarization-preserving [optical fiber]
P-P peak-to-peak [value]
P/P point-to-point
PPM pulse-position modulation
pps pulses per second
PR pulse rate
PRF pulse-repetition frequency
PRI primary rate interface
PRM pulse-rate modulation
PROM programmable read-only memory
PRR pulse repetition rate
PRSL primary area switch locator
PS permanent signal
psi pounds [force] per square inch
PSK phase-shift keying
PSN public switched network
p-static precipitation static
PSTN public switched telephone network
PTF patch and test facility
PTM pulse-time modulation
PTT postal, telephone, and telegraph
push-to-talk [operation]
PTTC paper tape transmission code
PTTI precise time and time interval
PU power unit
PUC public utility commission
public utilities commission
PVC permanent virtual circuit
polyvinyl chloride [insulation]
pW picowatt
PWM pulse-width modulation [deprecated]
pWp picowatt, psophometrically weighted
pWp0 picowatts, relative to a 0TLP
pX peak envelope power (in dB)
PX peak envelope power
private exchange 
peak envelope power (in watts)
pY mean power [in dB]
PY mean power [in watts]
pZ carrier power [in dB]
PZ carrier power [in watts]
QA quality assurance
QAM quadrature amplitude modulation
QC quality control
QCIF quarter common intermediate format
QMR qualitative material requirement
QOS quality of service
QPSK quadrature phase-shift keying
QRC quick reaction capability
QSTAG Quadripartite Standardization Agreement
R route service
racon radar beacon
rad radian
radiation absorbed dose
radar radio detection and ranging
RADHAZ electromagnetic radiation hazards
RADINT radar intelligence
RAM random access memory
reliability, availability, and maintainability
R&D research and development
RATT radio teletypewriter system
RBOC Regional Bell Operating Company
RbXO rubidium-crystal oscillator
RC reflection coefficient
resource controller
RCC radio common carrier
RCVR receiver
RDF radio direction-finding
REA Rural Electrification Administration
REN ringer equivalency number
RGB red-green-blue
rf radio frequency
range finder
RFI radio frequency interference
RFP request for proposal
RFQ request for quotation
RH relative humidity
RHR radio horizon range
RI routing indicator
RISC reduced instruction set chip
RJ registered jack
RJE remote job entry
rms root-mean-square [deviation]
RO read only
receive only
ROA recognized operating agency
ROC required operational capability
ROM read-only memory
ROSE remote operations service element protocol
rpm revolutions per minute
RPM rate per minute
rps revolutions per second
RQ repeat-request
RR repetition rate
RSL received signal level
rss root-sum-square
R/T real time
RTA remote trunk arrangement
RTS request to send
RTTY radio teletypewriter
RTU remote terminal unit
RTX request to transmit
RVA reactive volt-ampere
RVWG Reliability and Vulnerability Working Group
RWI radio and wire integration
RX receive
RZ return-to-zero
s second
SCC specialized common carrier
SCE service creation environment
SCF service control facility
SCP service control point
SCPC single channel per carrier
SCR semiconductor-controlled rectifier
silicon-controlled rectifier
SCSR single channel signaling rate
SDLC synchronous data link control
SDM space-division multiplexing [deprecated]
SDN software-defined network
SECAM systeme electronique couleur avec memoire
SECDEF Secretary of Defense
SECORD secure voice cord board
SECTEL secure telephone
SETAMS systems engineering, technical assistance, and management services
SEVAS Secure Voice Access System
S-F store-and-forward
SF single-frequency [signaling]
SGDF supergroup distribution frame
S/H sample and hold
SHA sidereal hour angle
SHARES Shared Resources (SHARES) HF Radio Program
SHF super high frequency
SI International System of Units
SID sudden ionospheric disturbance
SIGINT signals intelligence
SINAD signal-plus-noise-plus-distortion to noise-plus-distortion ratio
S() chromatic dispersion slope
SLD superluminescent diode [see superluminescent LED ]
SLI service logic interpreter
SLP service logic program
SMDR station message-detail recording
SMSA standard metropolitan statistical area
SNR signal-to-noise ratio
SOH start-of-heading character
SOM start of message
sonar sound navigation and ranging
SONET synchronous optical network
SOP standard operating procedure
SOR start of record
SOW statement of work
(S+N)/N signal-plus-noise-to-noise ratio
sr steradian
S/R send and receive
SSB single-sideband [transmission]
SSB-SC single-sideband suppressed carrier [transmission]
SSN station serial number
SSP service switching point
SSUPS solid-state uninterruptible power system
STALO stabilized local oscillator
STANAG Standardization Agreement [NATO]
STD subscriber trunk dialing
STFS standard time and frequency signal [service]
standard time and frequency service
STL standard telegraph level
studio-to-transmitter link
STP standard temperature and pressure
signal transfer point
STU secure telephone unit
STX start-of-text character
SUB substitute character
SWR standing wave ratio
SX simplex signaling
SXS step-by-step switching system
SYN synchronous idle character
SYSGEN system generation
T tera (1012)
TADIL tactical data information link
TADIL-A tactical data information link-A
TADIL-B tactical data information link-B
TADS teletypewriter automatic dispatch system
TADSS Tactical Automatic Digital Switching System
TAI International Atomic Time
TASI time-assignment speech interpolation
TAT trans-Atlantic telecommunication (cable)
TC toll center
TCB trusted computing base
TCC telecommunications center
TCCF Tactical Communications Control Facility
TCF technical control facility
TCP transmission control protocol
TCS trusted computer system
TCU teletypewriter control unit
TCVXO temperature compensated-voltage controlled crystal oscillator
TCXO temperature controlled crystal oscillator
TD time delay
transmitter distributor
TDD Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
TDM time-division multiplexing
TDMA time-division multiple access
TE transverse electric [mode]
TED trunk encryption device
TEK traffic encryption key
TEM transverse electric and magnetic [mode]
TEMPEST compromising emanations
TEMS telecommunications management system
TGM trunk group multiplexer
THD total harmonic distortion
THF tremendously high frequency
THz terahertz
TIA Telecommunications Industry Association
TIE time interval error
TIFF tag image file format
TIP terminal interface processor
TK response timer
TLP transmission level point
TM transverse magnetic [mode]
TP toll point
TRANSEC transmission security
TRC transverse redundancy check
TRF tuned radio frequency
TRI-TAC tri-services tactical [equipment]
TSK transmission security key
TSP Telecommunications Service Priority [system]
TSPS traffic service position system
TSR telecommunications service request
terminate and stay resident
TTL transistor-transistor logic
TTTN tandem tie trunk network
TTY teletypewriter
TTY/TDD Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
TV television
TW traveling wave
TWT traveling wave tube
TWTA traveling wave tube amplifier
TWX® teletypewriter exchange service
TX transmit
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UHF ultra high frequency
ULF ultra low frequency
U/L uplink
UPS uninterruptible power supply
UPT Universal Personal Telecommunications [service]
USB upper sideband
USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture
USFJ U.S. Forces, Japan
USFK U.S. Forces, Korea
USNO U.S. Naval observatory
USTA U.S. Telephone Association
UT Universal Time
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
uv ultraviolet
V volt
normalized frequency
VA value-added [network service]
VAN value-added network
VAR value added reseller
VARISTAR variable resistor
vars volt-amperes reactive
VC virtual circuit
VCO voltage-controlled oscillator
VCXO voltage-controlled crystal oscillator
V/D voice/data
Vdc volts direct current
VDU video display unit
visual display unit
VF voice frequency
VFCT voice frequency carrier telegraph
VFCTG voice frequency carrier telegraph
VFDF voice frequency distribution frame
VFO variable-frequency oscillator
VFTG voice-frequency telegraph
VHF very high frequency
VLF very low frequency
V/m volts per meter
VNL via net loss
VNLF via net loss factor
vocoder voice-coder
vodas voice-operated device anti-sing
vogad voice-operated gain-adjusting device
volcas voice-operated loss control and echo/signaling suppression
vox voice-operated relay circuit
voice operated transmit
VRC vertical redundancy check
VSAT very small aperture terminal
VSB vestigial sideband [transmission]
VSM vestigial sideband modulation
VSWR voltage standing wave ratio
VT virtual terminal
VTU video teleconferencing unit
vu volume unit
WADS wide area data service
WAIS Wide Area Information Servers
WAN wide area network
WARC World Administrative Radio Conference
WATS Wide Area Telecommunications Service
Wide Area Telephone Service
WAWS Washington Area Wideband System
WDM wavelength-division multiplexing
WHSR White House Situation Room
WIN WWMCCS Intercomputer Network
WITS Washington Integrated Telecommunications System
WORM write once, read many times
wpm words per minute
wps words per second
WRU who-are-you [character]
wv working voltage
WVDC working voltage direct current
WWDSA worldwide digital system architecture
WWMCCS Worldwide Military Command and Control System
WWW World Wide Web
XMIT transmit
XMSN transmission
XMTD transmitted
XMTR transmitter
XO crystal oscillator
XOFF transmitter off
XON transmitter on
XT crosstalk
XTAL crystal
Z Zulu time
ZD zero defects
Zo characteristic impedance
0TLP zero transmission level point

